M.-M. Bakran, M. Gleißner, T. Bertelshofer: Batterien und elektrische Antriebe : Systembetrachtungen für die Elektromobilität. In: Spektrum Bd. 15, Heft 1. - S. 42-46 (2019) |
M. Gleißner, J. Häring, M.-M. Bakran: Reconfiguration of fault-tolerant inverters with reduced maximum output voltage or current in combination with permanent magnet synchronous machines. 21th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications, Genua (2019) |
J. Häring, M. Gleißner, M.-M. Bakran: Asymmetric three-phase operation of fault-tolerant inverters for increased output torque of electric machines. PCIM Europe 2019, Nürnberg (2019) |
M. Gleißner, M.-M. Bakran: Operation of fault-tolerant inverters with DC-link midpoint connection for adjustable speed drives. EPE 2018: 20th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications, Riga (Lettland), September (2018) |
M. Gleißner, T. Bertelshofer, M.-M. Bakran: Driver integrated fault-tolerant reconfiguration after short-on failures of a SiC MOSFET ANPC inverter phase. PCIM Europe 2018, Nürnberg, Juni (2018) |
M. Gleißner, T. Bertelshofer, M.-M. Bakran: Fault-Tolerant Active Neutral Point Clamped Inverter with SiC MOSFETs. EEHE Electrics & Electronics Systems in Hybrid and Electric Vehicles and Electrical Energy Management, Würzburg, Juni (2018) |
M. Gleißner, M.-M. Bakran: Influence of the power semiconductor packaging on the failure characteristic for safety-critical applications. In: PCIM Europe 2017; International Exhibition and Conference for Power Electronics, ISBN: 978-3-8007-4424-4, Nürnberg, Juli (2017) |
M. Gleißner, R. Maier, M.-M. Bakran: Comparison of fault-tolerant multilevel inverters. European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications, European Power Electronics and Drives Association et al. 2017 – 2017 19th European Conference, DOI: 10.23919/EPE17ECCEEurope.2017.8099102, Warschau (Polen), November (2017) |
M. Gleißner, M.-M. Bakran: A real-life fuse design for a fault-tolerant motor inverter. In: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (Hrsg.): Power Electronics and Applications (EPE'16 ECCE Europe), EPE 2016 18th European Conference on. IEEE Xplore, DOI: 10.1109/EPE.2016.7695279, E-Book, Piscataway, New Jersey (2016) |
M. Gleißner, M.-M. Bakran: Fault-Tolerant B6-B4 Inverter Reconfiguration with Fuses and Ideal Short-On Failure IGBT Modules. PCIM Europe 2016, 10.-12.05.2016, Nürnberg (2016) |
M. Gleißner, M.-M. Bakran: Design and Control of Fault-Tolerant Nonisolated Multiphase Multilevel DC–DC Converters for Automotive Power Systems. In: IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, Band 52, Heft 2, S. 1785-1795, doi:10.1109/TIA.2015.2497218 (2016) |
M. Gleißner, M.-M. Bakran: Operation of Fault-Tolerant Non-Isolated Multiphase 3-Level DC–DC Converters for 48 V Automotive Power Systems. In: 17th Conference on Power Electronics and Applications. EPE’15-ECCE Europe , 08.-10.09.2015 , Genf (Schweiz) (2015) |
M. Gleißner, M.-M. Bakran: Fault-Tolerant Non-Isolated and Isolated Automotive DC-DC Converters. In: Hoff, Carsten ; Sirch Ottmar (Hrsg.): Elektrik/Elektronik in Hybrid- und Elektrofahrzeugen und elektrisches Energiemanagement VI - Renningen: Expert Verlag (Haus der Technik Fachbuch; 138), S. 86-100, ISBN 978-3-8169-3311-3 (2015) |
M. Gleißner, M.-M. Bakran: Design and control of fault-tolerant non-isolated multiphase multilevel dc-dc converters for automotive power systems. In: Electrical Systems for Aircraft, Railway and Ship Propulsion (ESARS)2015. ISBN 978-1-4799-7399-6, Aachen (2015) |
M. Gleißner: Architekturen für ausfallsichere DC/DC-Wandler im Automobil. In: Kreusel, Jochen Walter (Hrsg.): Energieversorgung auf dem Weg nach 2050 - Berlin: VDE Verlag GmbH, ISBN 978-3-8007-3550-1 (2013) |
M. Gleißner, M.-M. Bakran: Comparison of multiphase versus multilevel DC/DC-convertrers for automotive power. In: 15th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE) 2013 : Proceedings - Lille, Frankreich (2013) |
M. Gleißner, M.-M. Bakran: Sichere Leistungselektronik : Konsequenzen für den automobilen Antriebsstrang. In: Hoff, Carsten ; Sirch, Ottmar (Hrsg.): Elektrik, Elektronik in Hybrid- und Elektrofahrzeugen und elektrisches Energiemanagement III. - Renningen : expert-Verl. , S. 303, ISBN 978-3-8169-3114-0 (2012) |