Sabine Fischer defended her doctoral thesis
05.10.201605.10.2015 Sabine Fischer defended her doctoral thesis
Picture from left to right: Prof. Moos, Dr. Fischer, Prof. Janek (Uni Gießen), Prof. Willert-Porada, Prof. Jess.
Sabine Fischer defended her doctoral thesis about a novel zirconia sensor principle based on a voltage pulse method to detect nitrogen oxides (German original title "Neuartiges Sensorprinzip basierend auf einer Spannungs-Puls-Methode zur Detektion von Stickoxiden an Zirkondioxid") on October 5th, 2015.
Her work was part of a joint research project between Siemens AG, Corporate Technology in Munich (sensor group of Prof. Fleischer) and the chair of Prof. Moos. She started her work in Bayreuth and finalized it in Munich.
Dr. Fischer already published parts of her thesis, for instance in
“S. Fischer, R. Pohle, E. Magori, M. Fleischer, R. Moos:Detection of NO by Pulsed Polarization of Pt | YSZ, Solid State Ionics, 262, 288-291(2014)”or“
S. Fischer, R. Pohle, E. Magori, D. Schönauer-Kamin, M. Fleischer, R. Moos: Pulsed polarization of platinum electrodes on YSZ, Solid State Ionics, 225,371-375(2012)”.
She is now with Robert Bosch GmbH in Renningen, Germany.